2022 Pudsey Spring Show

Pudsey Cottage Gardeners and Allotment Association hold a spring and summer show each year and are 100 years old.  They are the premier gardening show in the Leeds and surrounding area and Leeds branch are proud to be associated with them supporting, sponsoring and organising the cactus and succulent classes. Leeds also has a stall at these events where they engage the public to take up membership of the society, sell plants and sundries and generally are their to answer any question that the public ask.

The event has recently moved into the Parish church at Pudsey which is a marvellous venue and is warmly received by not just the public but by the church elders. Please take time to view the photos below which give a broad feel for all the entries and how the church looks inside. The history of the church is that it is over a 100 years old and was built with funds from the Crimea war.

You can view more about Pudsey gardeners and Allotment Association on this link http://www.pudsey-allotments-and-cottage-gardeners-association.co.uk/